António Sá-Dantas


project highlights

Conto num Violino

Violin Tale - A fantasy on the typical characters of a tale, told on the anatomy of a violin. A small radio theatre, for speaking voices and 3 violins, in Portuguese.

With Luisa Cruz, Luis Madureira and Sze Ying Chan.

translation available, click link.

Songs my mother taught me

Songs my mother taught me is a unique performance of music and theatre, with new and old works inspired by folk song in the unique Union Chapel.

It includes two premieres by Darren Sng and Vincenzo Di Francesco, as well as music by Bartók, arrangements of Brahms and Gustav Holst, and works by living composers such as Luis Mota, Jorge Ramos, Samuel Gapp and António Sá-Dantas.

Performed by the Cat’s Cradle Collective, with the actress Marta Carvalho creating a narrative beyond the music.

Cidades Invisíveis

teatro sonoro para rádio, a passar todas as 2as na Antena 2. Uma leitura integral da obra Cidades Invisíveis de Italo Calvino, com um variado elenco explorando diferentes sotaques em Português, com música original de António Sá-Dantas.

Portrait of a Wrestler

A dance+wrestling+music performance, created in collaboration with Claire Heaffor.

Exploring Wrestling as a performative practice and, traditionally, as a safe space for men to explore identity, creativity and community - this dance performance has music from António Sá-Dantas created for a live, performative choir.



leve, vento, passa... (vers.1, pt) (dragged).jpg